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Jan 2018 Huffington Post “Top Entrepreneurs Give Advice on How to Stay Motivated”

Almost everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. Let’s face it. It does look pretty glamourous from the outside. You get to be your own boss, call the shots, be in control of the staff; what’s not to like? After starting my own Public Relations Firm, I quickly realized, it’s not as easy as it seems. It’s actually quite the opposite. At the end of the day, all of the elements of the business are my responsibility. I look back at those days of being an employee and think, wow that wasn’t so bad. Just kidding! I love running my own business. It has always been a dream of mine. People ask me all the time; what is the one quality you need to succeed as an entrepreneur? After really giving this question some thought, I finally came to the conclusion. Motivation.

Read the full article here:

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